Michigan Grower Products started over thirty years ago with the owners sharing the cost of equipment to blend media and
fill containers. Thirty years ago, the limiting resource was capital for major equipment purchases. As the business grew, the investment in equipment grew.

These machines do require labor. We are very fortunate to have the same quality work force every year. We have developed relationships with these fine people to accommodate the seasonality of our business. We maintain a base staff year around and supplement during the busy season. These supplemental employees provide for continuous production. These surehands have returned for several years and work for others during our slow times.
The seasonality of each business matches well. It is a win-win-win situation.
Do you think the car manufacturers make all their own parts? We know that is not true. Look at all the businesses in Michigan alone that specialize in this part or that for the car manufacturers.
Michigan Grower Products is doing the same for filled containers. We have an excellent returning labor supply. We manage the inventory of mix and container.
We maintain the equipment. We manage the labor. We manage the quality of
the filled container. Why? For you. To satisfy your needs.
To allow you to manage your “growing” business.
Read more.